The Creamery is the building shown directly above with east facing gabled windows.
Above- Second oldest oak tree in Vermont; listed with the Vermont Department of Forestry. It takes six grown men extended arm to extended arm to circle it. Possible site for holding wedding ceremonies with the building of an arbor and clearing an area for attendees.
Left- View of Green Mountains as seen from east side of RT 22A.
Plans are in the development stage for the restoration and preservation of the “Old Creamery” building erected in 1900 on the east side of Route 22A. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the Vermont Historic Register. It is a highly recognizable “local landmark”. Part of the restoration project includes putting back the second floor and building a deck on the east side of the building facing the Green Mountains. The first floor will house two existing businesses already located elsewhere on the farm: Willie T's Good Food Bakery and Black Box BBQ.